Thursday, December 16, 2010

Reflection: Weeks 13-14 & Overall Course

Logo Save Earth Clip Art

In the previous weeks I have primarily learned about three key topics: Goodwill Industries, Online learning activities, and Junking.

Well what can I say, in my past reflection posts I mentioned that I felt there was still a lot to learn and I was not disappointed.  To start off, my class and I took a field trip to one of the local Goodwill Industries in town.  It was very unique hearing about how the business is run and I found it fascinating how the company managed all of the items.  What fascinated me most, though, was that the employees mentioned that they do sacrifice efficiency and productivity to alter to the needs of the employees!  I thought that was so neat how it seems their primary purpose and goal of the industry is to provide job opportunities to individuals who have some sort of disability and would have a difficult time finding an initial job elsewhere.  The Goodwill Industry is really looking out for the good of the city and the citizens in it.  What also caught my attention was learning that items are either recycled, sold to other industries, and shipped overseas to third-world countries to provide them with clothing and such.  As a result, I do plan to shop at Goodwill more and I have already informed a number of my friends how Goodwill operates and a group of them have mentioned that they will shop there before going to places such as Savers.

What do I plan to purchase at Goodwill you ask? Well, another skill we learned in this course was how to conduct junking projects.  Junking entails a process in which you collect old/unused items and create them into something new.  I did mention junking in a previous reflection post, but what I learned this time is all of the many ideas and inspirations that may result from objects.  At our last class meeting we presented the junking projects that we created and I saw so many neat pieces, for example one classmate created a decorative star out of barbed-wire!

One of the final projects we had to conduct was an online learning activity.  We had to teach about our topic we advocated for; and mine was using alternative forms of transportation.  So to add a little 'twist' to the topic my lesson was based around conducting an investigation and figuring out what forms of air pollution result from driving automobiles.  I had a lot of fun creating the activity and I learned that online activities can be fun and engaging, it's all about the way you approach it!  This assignment really taught me, once again, to think 'outside the box.'  I also learned a lot about other environmental concerns by completing activities that my classmates created.

Overall Course:

I would have to say the main, mother-of-all thing that I learned throughout this course was to critically think.  I always thought of myself as a critical thinker, however, this course really showed me that there is another ball-field when it comes to thinking outside of your normal mindset.  This course proved to me that when we do approach a subject we generally tend to only know the 'surface' and top layer of the matter; and from that we often feel we are an expert, however, below the surface is a whole new range of thoughts, dilemmas, and considerations that need to be taken into account.

I also learned what it means to be a health educator.  As a health educator I do feel it is important to talk with other people about health topics and I have realized how much of an influence I may be on others.  My friends and family often come to me for advice when it comes to health, whether it be physically, emotionally, or spiritually people come to me because they know me as the 'health expert.' I have learned that because people do see me as an expert and that I have a degree in health education when I mention something to them that regards health they really take it to heart and consider the advise I give them.  I am very honored that people view me this way, however, I must admit this course has really opened my eyes up to the fact that I can have quite an influence on others.

Ultimately the words of my classmate, 'What haven't we learned from this course?' seems to sum up the semester pretty well, haha!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Eye Opener: Online Learning Activities

For this activity, we were asked to choose 3 places that we visit on a regular basis and mention how we commute to them.  We then accessed the Google Transit website and route our locations. 

Location 1: Home to UMD (school and work)
Convenient Route: Bus - 10 minute ride
Typical Commute: This route does not differ from my typical route. I have been living off-campus for 3 years now and I have always taken the bus to school.  I have actually been able to convince one of my roommates that riding the bus is easier and more convenient and she has been taking it ever since it first snowed!
Realistic Change: This is a realistic change because I am doing it!
Incorporation of Route: Yes, I have incorporated this into my daily routine.

Location 2: Home to Essentia Health
Convenient Route: Bus - 8 minute ride
Typical Route: I know in the past when I have gone to that area I have driven.
Incorporation of Route: Yes, I would like to incorporate this into my routine. I will be doing my internship at Essentia Health and after growing up in the country, to be honest I have had enough of city parking, haha!

Location 3: Home to Glensheen
Convenient Route: Biking - 12 minute ride
Typical Route: I generally drive because I often run a little late!
Incorporation of Route: Yes, I would like to incorporate this into my routine.  Towards the end of this summer I was beginning to ride my bike to work more.

For this activity our task was to go to the CDC website and report 3 recalled items within the past year. We then went to the EPA website and figured out 3 ways to prevent ourselves from lead poisoning in our home. Finally, we then had to watch a video and reflect on the whole lesson plan and describe what we learned from completing the previous activities.

The 3 Recalled Items:
  1. Children's Bangles Bracelets: Recalled March 2010; First appeared May 2007; and Available since August 2008
  2. Youth and Junior Hockey Sticks, Shafts, and Blades Gear: Recalled April 2010; First appeared February 2005; Available since March 2010
  3. Bicycle Bells: Recalled March 2010; First appeared August 2008; Available since August 2009 
3 Ways to Prevent Lead Poisoning in the Home:
  1. Clean floors, window frames, window sills, and other surfaces weekly. 
  2. Keep children from chewing window sills or other painted surfaces.
  3. Make sure children eat healthy and have a balanced diet; children with good diets absorb less lead.
Reflection:I enjoyed how the video actually demonstrated the signs and symptoms of lead poisoning. I feel often times when we list signs and symptoms we tend to forget how they actually affect a person, but seeing it generally puts it back into perspective. This activity, as a whole, really opened my eyes up to the fact that you never know what materials may be used in an item you purchase. I always liked to think that all items had to pass specific tests before getting 'certified' to be sold on store shelves. I was aware that items have been recalled before, however, it was really scary to learn that a lot of the items on the list to choose from were children's toys. I will definitely be a lot more cautious about the toys I purchase for my nieces and nephews.

Callie provided a few information links that discussed water and she also had a fun matching/pairing game to complete.

By completing the matching game I realized how many different ways water may become contaminated and how many systems there are when it comes to treating and cleaning the water. This activity really makes me appreciate all of the work that is necessary for me to be able to drink clean and non-contaminated water.

For this activity, we reviewed fact sheets about transportation and being active, we also watched a video, and used a vehicle pollution impact calculator to measure our emissions then report on our findings and what we have learned.

  1. After completing the emissions calculator, I found out that I am a little better than average.  Even though mine was lower than average I know there are still plenty more ways I can reduce the amount of exhaust emissions I permit. I do take the bus quite a bit, especially during the school year and in the summer I am trying to bike and rollerblade more so that's a start! 
  2. I learned that if I must drive some cars may be fueld by 'clean fuel,' which is made of ethanol (a renewable fuel, unlike fossil fuels. I also learned that clean fuel is available at a variety of locations in the Twin Cities.
  3. After watching the video I found it interesting that in the video, 'Walkable Communities,' it was mentioned that most places that are necessary to go (ie. work, school, church, grocery store) will all be within walking distance. It was also mentioned that Walkable Communities are the way of the future, which I feel is funny because if we look back on history (I mean way back like settler's time, haha) most communities were walkable communities and have simply developed over the years. I have never heard of these communities before, however, I would really like to go visit one to learn more about how the community runs.
For this activity, Sam created a crossword puzzle for us. I had to search for the answers online and as I searched I found out lead poisoning and the effects they can have. Below I have listed the answers to the crossword that I found.

1.  Inhilation
2.  Decades
4.  Wash

3.  Lead
5.  Blood
6.  Symptoms
7.  Work

For this activity, Kristy provided a couple of websites regarding smoking statistics in the United States as well as in Minnesota.  Once we went through the websites we then had a quiz/survey to complete about smoking.

As I was completing this activity I found it so surprising at the statistics the websites shared.  I do get very nervous when I am tested on things so this activity was also challenging to overcome.  I am a little bummed that once I finished the quiz I was not able to see my answers so that I would know the correct one.  The information was very powerful and the websites, especially the Minnesota one really captured the emotion that smoking is a serious matter and has negative affects on everyone it encounters.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Advocacy Project: Breathe-Freeville Mystery

Breathe-Freeville Mystery
To teach students the various forms of air pollution caused by automotive transport.

When it comes to getting from place to place people tend to want the shortest route possible.  As a result, automotive transportation - such as cars and trucks - seems to have been the best option.  However, using automotive transportation as opposed to alternative modes - biking and city transit - seems to be leaving a harmful footprint on our world.  Automotive transportation releases and emits air pollutants into the atmosphere.  

Air pollution affects everyone, and with current traffic levels air quality in urban as well as rural settings is worsening. Once released into the air, exhaust emissions are breathed into the body and transported into the bloodstream; which is then carried to all the body's major organs.  It has been estimated that air pollution - of which vehicle emissions are the major contributor - is responsible for 24,000 premature deaths in the UK every year.  Health concerns affiliated with exhaust emissions are illnesses such as cancer and asthma.  In order to reduce the amount of people being affected we need to be aware of what exhaust emissions are being released and how detrimental these air pollutants are to the environment as well as our health and well-being.

We need your help!  There has been a terrible incident in the town of Breathe-Freeville!  It appears that everyone in the city has started to develop different health illnesses and they are not sure what's causing it!  After interviewing each victim the city has concluded that all victims were outside at the time of each incident and that the suspect has been known to strike at any hour of the day.  The city has narrowed it down to six suspects but need further assistance, so to solve this mystery they have decided to call you, the health educator detective, to help get their city get back to the way they once knew! 

Your mission: To interview each suspect and figure out how to fix the situation.  Below you will find your name along with a link to the suspect you need to conduct your background check on. To do this successfully you will want to use at least one other resource to site your answers the questions about the suspect.  Once you have your answers report back to me so, together, we may figure out who has been up to this nasty act! Good luck detectives!
Detective and Suspect:
  1. Calista - Druscilla de Spilla (aka Benzene (C6H6))
  2. Kristy - Punky Carbone (aka Carbon Monoxide)
  3. Samantha - Red Haze Harry (aka Nitrogen Oxides)
  4. Alyssa - Petite la Wheeze (aka PM2.5
  5. Adam - Fossil Phil (aka Carbon Dioxide)
  6. Sarah - Burnice D'Smog (aka Formaldehyde)

Background questions to answer:
  1. Suspect (name of air pollutant)
  2. Motive (where does pollutant come from)
  3. Crime (what health effects is it having on citizens/environment)
  4. Lock 'Em Up (Alternative resources we could use/do to replace/reduce the pollutant)
  5. Case File (what did you learn from this activity)

PS.. Does anyone know how to get rid of extra spacing? When I push 'enter' once extra spacing comes with it!