Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 1: My SMART Goal

I will place any extra food I have after each meal into a bucket to be dropped off and composted at Sara's Table Restaurant (a composting site) each Friday between 10 - 10:30am.

This eco-chic lifestyle change will help reduce the amount of food that is wasted and is then disposed of.  Composting is a great way for nature to nuture itself.  What I mean is that by taking the food that was not consumed and composting it, it may then become a great soil nourisher which will enable new plants and 'life' to grow from it.  By doing this there will be less 'waste' to harm the earth.

I chose this particular behavior because I've really noticed lately that I do have a difficult time finishing meals at times.  Growing up whenever we had food scraps left we would set them outside for my dog and cats to eat.  However, now I am living in a home that does not allow pets and so I have had to scrape any leftovers I have had off my dish and into garbage.  When I do this I feel extremely wasteful and it reminds me of the fact that some people do not have as good of access to food and are starving.  This way if I compost I am at least giving something back to the environment and allowing it to grow instead of hindering it.

To give myself a 'kick-start' I went an picked up the composting bags and set it up in a bucket.  I have also placed the bucket on my shelf in the fridge to remind myself to place any leftover scraps I have remaining.


  1. Wow, I never knew that Sarah's Table did that, what a great idea! It helps produce nutrient-rich soil that benefits so much more. The only problem I see with your goal is that it might get a little stinky!! UGH! haha, but as long as you keep it in far range, it will be fine.

  2. Sara's Table is only two blocks from my house. I never knew they did that! I might have to consider composting too!

  3. I've never heard of Sarah's Table but this sounds like a unique idea, do they do anything for the homeless who have to dig in dumpsters for food? If not, they should.

  4. That is really interesting that there is a place so close that offers this service! I've never composted before, what a good idea for your goal! Good luck!

  5. This is something new and cool! How did you hear of this place and the cool things that they do? I really want to know how your progress goes with this goal. I'm looking forward to your update!

  6. This is an awesome idea! I've never heard of Sara's Table and I did not know that you could do this! Thanks for sharing this with us!

  7. This is very cool goal! I would have never even thought of doing this because I knew I didnt have anywhere to compost. I did not know Sara's Table had a place for compost. Very interesting and I may have to give this a shot.
